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SUN SEP 1 5/TM/63.12 Pescadero Loop 
Leader: Terri Bimes     (510) 697-1400
Leader: Abigail Cotton     (949) 929-3714    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am start

Abby and I are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning. **Just a quick reminder to bring cash for the Tacqueria.** It looks like a little over one hour drive from Berkeley. We should have a nice ride.

Join us for this beautiful route in the South Bay. This ride contains three epic climbs: Kings Mtn, Pescadero Road, and West Alpine. Abby and I have not done this route before, so we appreciate your patience and sense of adventure. Thanks to Dave Pechner for providing the route and intel on bathrooms and lunch spots. There probably are not bathrooms at the start of the ride, so plan accordingly.

There is water (and maybe bathrooms) at the Woodside Store which is at the bottom of Kings Mtn. Water and snacks and bathrooms at the Bike Hut on the bottom of Tunitas and a very good taqueria and store in Pescadero (cash only though, so bring cash). Water and bathrooms at Memorial park going up Pescadero Road if you need it, then bathrooms at the top of West Alpine.

Meet at the parking lot near the intersection of Edgewood Road - Cañada Road

Meet at 9:00 a.m. Roll at 9:15 a.m.

Strava Route:

Ridewithgps route:

Pre-registration is appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

SUN SEP 1 3/LT,T/34 Novice Ride #5 - Franklin Canyon and Carquinez Shoreline 
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Leader: Brian Crowley     (510) 508-2591
Leader: Jim O'Melia     (925) 804-1855    text
Leader: Donna Ko     (510) 610-9859    text
Meet at 10:00 am
GPC Route: Novice Ride #5: Franklin Canyon & Carquinez Shoreline
Start Location: Pleasant Hill BART

From Pleasant Hill BART, this moderately hilly ride goes to Crockett via Franklin Canyon and Cummings Skyway, then to Martinez via Carquinez Scenic Drive, and return to PH via Alhambra Valley and Reliez Valley Roads.

Lunch stop in Martinez at mile 25; bring lunch or $ to purchase. Starbucks, Subway, Rob’s Zombies, etc nearby. Nine mile ride after lunch back to BART.

This is a no drop ride! Helmet required. Bring water bottle(s) as it could be quite warm!

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding in a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

MON SEP 2 2/LT/20.1 Monday TI Lap (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Anne Gulley     (707) 330-5933
Leader: David Gould     (206) 471-3272    text
Leader: Quan Huynh     (571) 251-4633
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

TUE SEP 3 5/M/24,32 The Tuesday Evening Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mark Abrahams     (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

TUE SEP 3 5/B/25 Tuesday 'Brisk' Group (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Christopher Lee     (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner     (510) 593-9843    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

WED SEP 4 2/T/44 Wed Ride - North Berkeley BART-RSR Bridge-SF Ferry-Richmond 
Leader: Jim Clara     (510) 387-1255    text
Leader: Melissa Jacobson     (925) 788-6825
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:35 am start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Please note early start time! 9:30 to roll at 9:35

This route starts at the North Berkeley BART but if you prefer to drive, there is parking and restrooms at Brickyard Cove across from the pedestrian bridge near University Ave. Wait for the group at the foot of the Gilman (northern) pedestrian bridge.

Lunch will be at Dunphy Park, Sausalito, where there are some deli options on Caledonia St including Driver's Market & Deli.

This ride with gps route includes 11 miles on the Richmond ferry (departs on the hour starting at 3:00).

Weather is expected to be high 70s-low 80s, clear sky, wind slowly building up to 7mph from southwest.

Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information or contact Mark Sapiro at (415) 388-8910.

THU SEP 5 4/TM/66 Duros West - Chimney Rock 
Leader: Mark Nienberg     (510) 812-9312    text
Meet at 9:30 am
Start Location: Nicasio

Starting in Nicasio we'll ride to San Geronimo and then Sir Francis Drake to Olema and Bear Valley. Pick up lunch at the Inverness Park Market (mile 17) on the way and carry it out to the Historic Point Reyes Lifeboat Station at Chimney Rock. Order ahead if you like.

See the route on RideWithGPS.

THU SEP 5 4/TM/26.5 Thursday evening, N. Berkeley to Chabot (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Joel Ager     (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer     (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton     (949) 929-3714    text
Leader: Anne Schonfield     (510) 851-4749    text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

THU SEP 5 4!/T/22 Thursday Chill T-Pace Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!

*Note that leaders rotate weekly.

THU SEP 5 5/0/17 Thirsty Thursday Mixty (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mike Wood     (708) 539-9663    text
Leader: Drew U     (510) 290-0615    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

FRI SEP 6 1/T/34 Bay Trail / E-ville / Point Richmond 
Leader: Ken Karda   (510) 530-8389
Leader: Geoffrey Shannon     (925) 348-5067    text
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

We will ride to the Emeryville marina, then North on the Bay Trail for a clockwise loop to the Red Oak Victory Ship, Miller-Knox Park, bypass the Ferry Point Tunnel, & lunch @ Little Louie's. There will be an option to ride thru the tunnel.

FRI SEP 6 5!/TM/21 Cinderella/Big Trees/West Ridge 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 3:55 pm for a 4:00 pm start

Ride With GPS route, meet at North Oakland Regional Sports Center. If you aren't at least an intermediate level mountain biker there are at least few places on this route you probably should not attempt and should be prepared to walk. There are also a few steep climbing sections as well so be prepared for those. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and that your bike is in good working order. We'll have frequent regroups to make sure no one gets lost, but I do want to make sure we've completed the tricky stuff before it gets too dark. Sunset is at 7:30 so have lights for the return trip. Message me if you have any questions about difficulty or what can be skipped.

SAT SEP 7 5!/T/34 Redwood and Chabot Trails 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:10 am start
Start Location: Rockridge BART

RWGPS Route This is another Chabot Ride, this time venturing further south so we can ride Towhee and Redtail trails. There is over 4k feet of elevation on this ride, but the climbs for the most part should be a moderate grade and lot of that elevation is rollers so this should be a bit less strenuous than the raw numbers would suggest. Pace may vary depending on turnout but there will be frequent regroups to ensure no one misses a turn.

I recommend having least 35mm tires and be prepared for loose dirt. Have your tires inflated to an appropriate pressure, this guide is a good starting point (if you aren't sure what type wheel's and tires you have the defaults should be close enough).

There will be a few opportunities for water and bathrooms, but there aren't any planned stops to buy food. Make sure you bring enough to eat, and having at least two water bottles is highly recommended. We usually go to Nick's pizza after the ride if there is interest.

SAT SEP 7 4!/TM/72 Sierra road using BART 
Leader: David Brown     (510) 508-4215    text
Leader: Alison Kuehner     (510) 219-3929    text
Meet at 9:05 am for a 9:20 am start
Start Location: Berryessa BART

Note that temps in contra costa are predicted to be above 90 tomorrow, so plan to bring plenty of water. Our first water stop is in Sunol, mile 28.

Join us for a no-car ride using BART to get to Berryessa, then riding back through the East Bay. Sierra road is steep, but we’ll hit it when fresh, and then half the climbing will be done in the first 10 miles! Forecasts predict moderate temps. We expect to ride a strong TM pace.

Meet at the Berryessa BART station at 9:05 (when the orange line train arrives), roll at 9:20. The first food and water stop will be in Sunol at mile 27, so plan to bring plenty of water and snacks. Lunch in Danville. We will come back via Pinehurst, but there are other options for getting home depending on where you’re going.

SUN SEP 8 2/LT/14 Mixed Terrain Skills Ride #8 
Leader: Rick Patterson     (510) 978-1786    text
Meet at 9:00 am
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

For this skills ride we will also be practicing “wheelies” and “bunny hops” as well a few slightly elevated platforms.

This short ride is good for those who are new to riding mixed terrain, or Gravel Biking. We will work on bike handling on fire roads, gravel, some single track, and various trails along the waterfront. It is recommended to have tires 32mm or bigger tires. All levels are welcome to join and work on skills riding. The group will stop at several locations on the route to work through some simple terrain obstacles and features. This is a “no drop” ride.

SUN SEP 8 3/T/42 Novice Ride #6 - Central Marin Redwoods - long version 
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Leader: Anne Schonfield     (510) 851-4749    text
Meet at 10:00 am
GPC Route: Novice Ride #6: Central Marin Redwoods and Pastries
Start Location: San Rafael - Marinwood Community Center

From Miller Creek Rd and Lucas Valley Rd via Nicasio to Point Reyes Station for lunch at the Bovine Bakery. We will meet the group riding the short (24 mile) route at Nicasio along the way. Return via Olema and Nicasio.

There are hills, but we will ride them gently. Bring lunch or $ to buy. No drop. Helmets required.

Ride start is at the Marinwood Community Center. Please park in one of the many spaces along the street, not in the community center lot.

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding is a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

SUN SEP 8 3/LT/24 Novice Ride #6 - Central Marin Redwoods - short version 
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Leader: Brian Aldrich     (510) 693-0603    text
Leader: Janet Noble     (510) 205-9004    text
Meet at 11:00 am
GPC Route: Novice Ride #6 (short): Central Marin Redwoods
Start Location: Nicasio

Parking update:

The Rancho Nicasio needs the parking for weekend events and have asked us not to park at those times.

Please drive around the corner to the north and park off pavement along the field (pumpkin patch area near the cheese store)

Tour the redwoods of central Marin county through Nicasio and have lunch at the Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes Station on Highway 1. Return through Olema back to Nicasio. The 24-mile ride joins the 44 mile ride in Nicasio and loops back to Nicasio. There are hills, but we will ride them gently.

Start of ride is parking lot in Nicasio by the baseball field and convenience store.

Bring lunch or $ to buy. No drop. Helmets required. Rain cancels; if weather is dubious contact a ride leader.

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding in a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

MON SEP 9 2/LT/20.1 Monday TI Lap (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Anne Gulley     (707) 330-5933
Leader: David Gould     (206) 471-3272    text
Leader: Quan Huynh     (571) 251-4633
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

TUE SEP 10 5/M/24,32 The Tuesday Evening Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mark Abrahams     (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

TUE SEP 10 5/B/25 Tuesday 'Brisk' Group (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Christopher Lee     (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner     (510) 593-9843    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

TUE SEP 10 5/TM/24 Tuesday Evening TM (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Nick Umemoto     (925) 655-3224
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

WED SEP 11 2/T/37 Wed Ride - Deb's Diversion - China Camp Loop from Pt Richmond 
Leader: Sandy Emerson     (650) 743-0524    text
Leader: Phil Morton     (510) 847-7651    text
Leader: Jim Clara     (510) 387-1255    text
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
Start Location: Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline

Experience the pleasure of NOT driving a car across the RSR bridge. Ride over the Richmond bridge, starting from Miller-Knox park at Point Richmond.

After a short regroup, we will do a new, improved China Camp loop clockwise. Lunch stop at China Camp around mile 19.6.

Thanks to Jim Clara for creating this route!

Please pre-register.

WED SEP 11 4/T/18 Wednesday BARTable Mixed Terrain (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Del Norte BART

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

WED SEP 11 Meeting Virtual Club Meeting (repeats monthly) 
Meet at 6:45 pm for a 7:00 pm start

Join the club's virtual monthly business meeting at 7:00 pm. Optional social time from 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Check your email for an announcement with the agenda and details of how to join the meeting.

THU SEP 12 3/TM,M/71 Duros West - Taste of Napa (without the drive) 
Leader: Wendell Doman     (415) 515-6761    text
Meet at 8:30 am
GPC Route: Rockville to Lake Hennessey
Start Location: Rockville Bike shop

Note: Ride starts at 8:30am (instead of 9:30am)

This ride starts in nearby Rockville, but extends up into the Napa Valley as far as Lake Hennessey. We'll stop for a snack at Silverado Market (mile 21) and have lunch at Turtle Rock (mile 48). The lunch stop is a bar without much in the way of food, so I suggest buying lunch at the first stop and carrying it to the second. There just aren't any other options in the area.

There is often a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.

Park in the back of the Rockville Bike parking lot, not in front of the businesses. Please pre-register if you can.

THU SEP 12 4/TM/26.5 Thursday evening, N. Berkeley to Chabot (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Joel Ager     (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer     (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton     (949) 929-3714    text
Leader: Anne Schonfield     (510) 851-4749    text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

THU SEP 12 4!/T/22 Thursday Chill T-Pace Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Ride now finishes after sunset - bring front and rear lights!!

This is my last time leading this ride this year though ride will continue through end of month if another leader is available.

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!

*Note that leaders rotate weekly.

THU SEP 12 5/0/17 Thirsty Thursday Mixty (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mike Wood     (708) 539-9663    text
Leader: Drew U     (510) 290-0615    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

SAT SEP 14 4/LT/23 Alex's Second Saturday Ride - LT pace 
Leader: Brian Crowley     (510) 508-2591
Leader: Liz Kroboth     (703) 338-4897    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - LT - Classic Larghetto
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an LT-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website. This is a NO DROP ride.

SAT SEP 14 3/T/50 Alex's Second Saturday Ride - T pace 
Leader: Kit Wong     (917) 660-0229
Leader: Siu Mak     (510) 229-0090    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - T - Classic Adagio
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a T-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

This is a NO DROP ride with a Peets lunch stop at downtown Danville.

SAT SEP 14 4/TM/34 Alex's Second Saturday Ride - TM pace (short) 
Leader: Mark Abrahams     (510) 524-1294
Leader: Glen Olson     (415) 816-1494    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - TM (short) - Classic Andante
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

Glen Olson is a co-leader.

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

SAT SEP 14 4/TM/63 Alex's Second Saturday Ride - TM pace (long) 
Leader: Naor Deleanu     (650) 533-2014
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
GPC Route: ASSR - TM (long) - Diablo Junction
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

SAT SEP 14 3/M/66 Alex's Second Saturday Ride - M pace 
Leader: Ted Ognibene     (510) 914-1065    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an M-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

We can't ride to Rockville as Lopes Road is still closed at Marshview so we will loop back on Goodyear. We will also bypass Bayshore Road as there is a No Bike sign and instead go up Park to get back to Martinez on the B-M Bridge. Lunch in Martinez. Route can be found here: ASSR - M - (not quite)Rockville

SAT SEP 14 5!/T/17 Orinda to Rockridge through the parks. 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:20 am start
Start Location: Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

Will be meeting with the ASSR riders but then heading out to do a short trail ride instead. RWPS route (1900ft). We will be heading over Wilder into Redwood and then passing through JMP and Montclair and ending at Rockridge Bart. A gravel bike with 35mm+ tires should be suitable for this ride, but you might find yourself having to hike-a-bike in a few spots depending on your gearing. The descents can be loose and rocking in a few spots but they don't get too steep. The tricky ones should mostly be comparable to quarry in Tilden or Red Tail at Chabot or slightly above those in difficulty but nothing a gravel bike can't handle. There will be lots of hikers and dog walkers out, so when it's get crowded let's keep it party pace and say hi to people.

SAT SEP 14 3/T/25 Memorial ride for Joan Reiss--Paradise Loop Clockwise 
Leader: Stacey Kayden     (415) 531-1121
Meet at 10:45 am for a 11:00 am start
GPC Route: Paradise Loop Clockwise
Start Location: Mill Valley - Public Safety Buildings

A clockwise loop from the Mill Valley Public Safety Building over Camino Alto and Corte Madera to Paradise and around Belvedere and Seminary to celebrate the life of Joan Reiss. A few of Joan’s family members will be joining us and would like to share memories at our coffee stop in Tiburon

SUN SEP 15 5/T/28 Third Sunday Ride: Tunnel-Skyline-Redwood-Pinehurst-Grizzly Peak-Claremont 
Leader: Adele Madelo     (510) 773-0693
Leader: Cheney Hu     (832) 341-9157    text
Leader: Xiao Hui Tai     (412) 557-2835
Meet at 9:45 am for a 9:55 am start
Start Location: Rockridge BART

BART alert: There is a 20-minute delay on the Antioch (Yellow) Line in the SFO direction due to track maintenance.

Unfortunately, doesn't clarify any specifics about stations affected (ex. Rockridge).

The third Sunday is early this September! Xiao Hui and Cheney are filling in as ride leaders for Adele this month.

Meet at Rockridge BART at 9:45, depart at 9:55. We'll ride up Tunnel to Skyline and our first bathroom/water/snack break at Sibley. We'll continue on Skyline and enjoy the downhill on Redwood Road. Next are climbs up both Little Pinehurst and Pinehurst back to Skyline and another stop at Sibley. The ride finishes with Grizzly Peak, left down Claremont to return to Rockridge.

Our route has no place to purchase food so bring enough snacks. Join the leaders for lunch after the ride.

The 28 miles with 2900 elevation gain rates the ride as 5; there are some nice downhills to reward all the climbing.

MON SEP 16 2/LT/20.1 Monday TI Lap (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Anne Gulley     (707) 330-5933
Leader: David Gould     (206) 471-3272    text
Leader: Quan Huynh     (571) 251-4633
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

TUE SEP 17 5/M/24,32 The Tuesday Evening Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mark Abrahams     (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

TUE SEP 17 5/B/25 Tuesday 'Brisk' Group (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Christopher Lee     (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner     (510) 593-9843    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

TUE SEP 17 5/TM/24 Tuesday Evening TM (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Nick Umemoto     (925) 655-3224
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Sunset is at 7:12PM tonight, please bring lights if you're planning on riding the whole ride. Thanks.

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

WED SEP 18 3/T/30 Wed Ride - Point Pinole-Martinez-Pig Farm 
Leader: Jim Clara     (510) 387-1255    text
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
GPC Route: Carquinez Loop Clockwise via Bay Trail
Start Location: Pinole Valley Park

Chance of rain seems minimal. Looks like light cloud cover for the most part. Today’s ride is on! Yay!

Let’s stay close to home and ride the Carquinez loop. Bathrooms are at the ride start. There is a nice soda/sandwich deli in Martinez and my favorite cookie shop (apologies to Bovine) in Pinole.

30% chance of rain cancels. Will post an update around 8:00 Wednesday morning.

You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information or contact Mark Sapiro at (415) 388-8910.

WED SEP 18 4/T/18 Wednesday BARTable Mixed Terrain (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Del Norte BART

We have received reports of a downed tree on wildcat creek trail. Ride is still on either way, but if it hasn't been cleared by Wednesday there may be some climbing over a fallen tree or potentially having to reroute if passage is blocked. Also days are getting shorter so make sure to bring lights.

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

THU SEP 19 3/TM,M/68 Duros West - Nicasio to Valley Ford 
Leader: Mark Nienberg     (510) 812-9312    text
Meet at 9:30 am
Start Location: Nicasio

We'll ride from Nicasio to Valley Ford for lunch via Chileno Valley and Middle Road. Return to Tomales via Franklin School to Middle Road, avoiding the steep climb on Franklin. We may or may not go into Pt Reyes Station on the way back, depending on rider interest. Route on RideWithGPS

There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. We will start when everyone who arrives by the meeting time is ready. If you arrive after the meeting time, you may have to chase.

THU SEP 19 4/TM/26.5 Thursday evening, N. Berkeley to Chabot (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Joel Ager     (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer     (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton     (949) 929-3714    text
Leader: Anne Schonfield     (510) 851-4749    text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

THU SEP 19 4!/T/22 Thursday Chill T-Pace Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Richard Zapien     (415) 260-2334    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Please bring front and rear lights. It will be getting dark when we finish the ride.

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club! Please note that after the 18.3 mile mark, the leader will not return to North Berkeley BART as is indicated on the cue sheet.

*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.

THU SEP 19 5/0/17 Thirsty Thursday Mixty (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mike Wood     (708) 539-9663    text
Leader: Drew U     (510) 290-0615    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

SAT SEP 21 5!/TM/68.5 Epic Climbs in Sonoma County -- Fort Ross Road and Skaggs Springs from Stewarts Point 
Leader: Terri Bimes     (510) 697-1400
Leader: Arnim Polster     (415) 271-3440    text
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
Start Location: Duncans Mills

Hi Grizzlies,

Good News -- Fort Ross Road is open. To celebrate the opening of Fort Ross Road, we have rerouted Saturday's ride. We will now do the Fort Ross Road Climb first, then head to Stewarts Point (around mile 34) for lunch. After lunch, we will conquer the Skaggs Springs Road Climb. Then, we will descend King Ridge and make a pitstop at Cazadero, before returning to our cars at Duncans Mills.

Here is the NEW route:

Lunch: Stewarts Point

**If you are interested in doing more mileage, you could meet Arnim in Cotati.

**Please bring lights just in case.

**Pre-registration appreciated.

**Bring food and two bottles of water.

Looking forward to this ride. Hope you can join!

SAT SEP 21 4!/T/65 King Ridge T Pace 
Leader: Phil Morton     (510) 847-7651    text
Leader: Rick Patterson     (510) 978-1786    text
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start
GPC Route: King Ridge/Sonoma Coast (without Annapolis)
Start Location: Duncans Mills

We'll be at Duncan's Mills at the same time as the TM riders, and we may see them again at Stewart's Point.

So two water bottles is a good idea. We're at the equinox, so bring lights just in case.

A loop from Duncan's Mills through Cazadero, out King Ridge to Stewarts Point and return down the coast. There is no food or water between Cazadero and Stewarts Point, so be prepared. The ride starts and finishes in the town of Duncans Mills on Highway 116 about four miles east of Highway 1. Route [] Carpooling recommended. It is about 1 1/2 hours from the Bay Area, so worth sharing the drive.

SAT SEP 21 4/T/50 Caltrain Electrification Celebration with San Gregorio Beach and Tunitas Creek Loop from Palo Alto 
Leader: Naor Deleanu     (650) 533-2014
Meet at 9:45 am
Start Location: Palo Alto Transit Center

Caltrain is celebrating electrification with free rides this weekend. They are also kick-starting their schedule to run every half hour and have faster service. Anyone else interested in riding and celebrating in Palo Alto?

Old La Honda-Tunitas Creek loop T/TM pace on flat/downhill (no drop there, pace depends on who shows up), regroup at top of Old La Honda and Tunitas, lunch break at San Gregorio Beach (bring your own food).
Note: GPC route 139 is the same route from Woodside I will be starting from Downtown Palo Alto and follow the route in the description above, but if anyone wants to drive and meet up there, please reach out.

There's a party in Palo Alto from 2-6 PM, leave whenever you want. There will be bike valet in Palo Alto too.

I will likely take BART from downtown Berkeley to Powell Street and take Caltrain from San Francisco. Possibly stop at South San Francisco for free goodies if I can make the earlier train. Will reach out to anyone who signs up to coordinate travel. Train is supposed to get to downtown Palo Alto at 9:45 AM.

SUN SEP 22 4/LT/22 GPC Bike Maintenance Workshop (Orinda) 
Leader: Wendell Doman     (415) 515-6761    text
Leader: Mark A. Seedall     (510) 388-5282
Meet at 9:00 am
GPC Route: Bears Loop
Start Location: Orinda Community Park

Note: The location for this workshop is changed to Orinda due to Walnut Festival at Heather Farm, Walnut Creek,this weekend.

Time: 9:00am to 10:30am

Come join fellow Grizzlies who will help you learn how to maintain your bike and keep it in top running condition. We'll check out the condition of your bikes (i.e., tires, chain, brakes, wheels, cables, etc.), give you some advice and show you the tools you'd need. We'll focus on Drivetrain maintenance at this workshop.

We'll go for a ride around the Bears Loop at 10:30am.

What to bring to the clinic: Please bring your bike and any questions regarding bike maintenance. We will do our best to take a look at everyone’s bike and give maintenance tips.

Non-members are very welcome to pre-register and join us. Bring a friend.

We'll have coffee and bagels!

SUN SEP 22 5/0/19 Individual Time Trial (on Sunday this month) 
Leader: Marie Noel Appel     (415) 254-4469
Meet at 9:40 am for a 10:00 am start
GPC Route: Bears Loop
Start Location: Orinda - San Pablo Dam Rd and Bear Creek Rd

Come test and develop your cycling skills. Test your fitness level and get in a great workout by riding the Bears Loop as a time trial. Or, for new club members (or any GPC member), this is a good ride to find your pace as measured by GPC (see link

Rider finishing times are usually shared in the ride report email to the club. While it is nice to see what times folks ride, reporting of rider times is optional, just let the ride leader know.

The first rider is off at 10:01 and a rider a minute after that. 20% chance of rain cancels. Please arrive between 9:40 and 9:50 so that we can be ready to start on time. We will have refreshments at the finish, and gels/chews and bars at the start.

The ITT is open to both members and non-members; no need to join as in the past. Pre-registration is optional, but strongly preferred.

MON SEP 23 2/LT/20.1 Monday TI Lap (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Anne Gulley     (707) 330-5933
Leader: David Gould     (206) 471-3272    text
Leader: Quan Huynh     (571) 251-4633
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

TUE SEP 24 5/M/24,32 The Tuesday Evening Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mark Abrahams     (510) 524-1294
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

TUE SEP 24 5/B/25 Tuesday 'Brisk' Group (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Christopher Lee     (510) 773-0551
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner     (510) 593-9843    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Today is the final ride of the season! Please join us for one last loop around the hills!

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

TUE SEP 24 5/TM/24 Tuesday Evening TM (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Nick Umemoto     (925) 655-3224
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

WED SEP 25 3/T/38 Wed Ride - Nicasio to Heart's Desire Beach 
Leader: Phil Morton     (510) 847-7651    text
Leader: Jaz Zaitlin     (510) 393-6602    text
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 am start
GPC Route: Nicasio, Pt Reyes Station, Hearts Desire
Start Location: Nicasio

A simple out and back from Nicasio to Hearts Desire Beach. This is a slight modification to the traditional route that avoids the Olema hill due to construction. Water & bathrooms & picnic tables at Hearts Desire, but no food for purchase, so bring lunch or buy lunch en route at Inverness Park Market (order ahead if you want).

If you are driving to the start via Lucas Valley Rd., note there is construction there as well, so allow for extra driving time.

WED SEP 25 4/T/18 Wednesday BARTable Mixed Terrain (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: El Cerrito Del Norte BART

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

THU SEP 26 3/TM,M/69 Duros West - Petaluma via Spring Hill 
Leader: Mark Nienberg     (510) 812-9312    text
Meet at 9:30 am
GPC Route: Marinwood to Petaluma via Spring Hill
Start Location: San Rafael - Marinwood Community Center

From Miller Creek we'll ride through Nicasio, Hick's Valley, and Chileno Valley. Then into Petaluma on the beautifully paved Spring Hill Road for lunch at Ray's Deli & Tavern (mile 42). Return via Red Hill.

Shorten the ride to 49 miles by meeting us in Nicasio, probably about 10:20.

There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Arrive by the meeting time if you don't want to chase.

THU SEP 26 4/TM/26.5 Thursday evening, N. Berkeley to Chabot (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Joel Ager     (510) 418-6462
Leader: Mark Bauer     (510) 508-3546
Leader: Abigail Cotton     (949) 929-3714    text
Leader: Anne Schonfield     (510) 851-4749    text
Meet at 5:20 pm for a 5:30 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

We'll be ending the ride at Beer Baron (5900 College) tonight to celebrate the last Thursday ride of the season. Please help us get a head count for reservations by signing up for the ride and emailing Anne and Mark to let us know you're coming. Bring lights and layers for the ride home.

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

THU SEP 26 4!/T/22 Thursday Chill T-Pace Ride (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Richard Zapien     (415) 260-2334    text
Meet at 5:25 pm for a 5:35 pm start
Start Location: North Berkeley BART

Like the TM group, we'll be ending the ride at Beer Baron (5900 College) to celebrate the last Chill-T Thursday ride of the season. This means we will likely head down Claremont to arrive around 7:15pm.

Please help me get a head count for reservations by registering for the ride and quickly emailing Richard at, or texting at 415.260.2334 to let me know you intend to go to the Beer Baron. Please, bring lights and consider layers for the ride home.

Join us for our last T-paced Thursday evening road ride of the season! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club! Please note that after the 18.3 mile mark, the leader will not return to North Berkeley BART as is indicated on the cue sheet.

THU SEP 26 5/0/17 Thirsty Thursday Mixty (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Mike Wood     (708) 539-9663    text
Leader: Drew U     (510) 290-0615    text
Meet at 5:30 pm for a 5:35 pm start
GPC Route: CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location: Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

SAT SEP 28 4!/M/95 Geysers Armstrong Sweetwater - 1 or 3 Sonoma Epics! 
Leader: Ted Ognibene     (510) 914-1065    text
Meet at 8:15 am

Come ride and cross off three Epics from your list. Meet at 8:15 in Healdsburg (Let say at Healdsburg Plaza in the center) for an 8:30 rollout. I usually park on Vine near the Farmers Market. Ride north up to Cloverdale where we can refuel before heading over to the Geysers heading south. After the Geysers, we roll back to Healdsburg where at about mile 55 you will have packed lunch in your car. If you want, you can end the ride here. For those of us wanting to make the 1-1/4 hour drive worth the effort, we will ride south to almost Guerneville and climb party up Armstrong Woods (far enough to get credit) before turning around and climbing up Sweetwater Springs road before heading back to Healdsburg. Preregistration is strongly encouraged so I know you are coming, else I may just roll out at my own schedule. E-bikes OK as long as you have sufficient battery power to complete the ride. End of ride libations at Fogbelt Brewing. Weather should be nice but excessive heat or bad AQI will force a cancellation. Check back here Friday night. The route can be found here: Geysers Armstrong Sweetwater

SAT SEP 28 3!/T/52 Cotati – Petaluma – Wilson Hill – Marshall Wall – Tomales 
Leader: Cree T. Cobb     (209) 202-9846    text
Meet at 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start

Cotati – Petaluma – Wilson Hill – Marshall Wall – Tomales. Meet 945 am for 10 am start in Cotati at Veteran's Memorial Building parking lot, 8505 Park Ave, Cotati, CA. Best to park on street; I don’t know if Hall parking lot will be used Saturday. It will be T pace ride; I don’t live where there are hills and I’m riding again next day. Stop in Tomales for food at Piezzi Provisions but there are more food locations nearby. I did ride once with another club.

SUN SEP 29 5!/T/26 Sunday Parks 
Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith     (415) 212-8451    text
Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:10 am start
Start Location: Rockridge BART

Due to an injury this ride is canceled.

RWGPS this one will be short, but with a good amount of climbing at 3.4k ft elevation. Mixed terrain and moderate pace, expect one or two hike-a-bike sections and a few of the descents have sections that can get slightly steep for a gravel ride so be prepared. At least 38mm tires with good grip is recommended and make sure they are properly inflated (see this guide if you aren't sure). Be sure to bring water, snacks and tools. Ride ends at Nicks Pizza.

MON SEP 30 2/LT/20.1 Monday TI Lap (repeats weekly) 
Leader: Anne Gulley     (707) 330-5933
Leader: David Gould     (206) 471-3272    text
Leader: Quan Huynh     (571) 251-4633
Meet at 5:30 pm
Start Location: Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

Leader: Terri Bimes
Leader: Abigail Cotton
   mobile    text

Abby and I are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning. **Just a quick reminder to bring cash for the Tacqueria.** It looks like a little over one hour drive from Berkeley. We should have a nice ride.

Join us for this beautiful route in the South Bay. This ride contains three epic climbs: Kings Mtn, Pescadero Road, and West Alpine. Abby and I have not done this route before, so we appreciate your patience and sense of adventure. Thanks to Dave Pechner for providing the route and intel on bathrooms and lunch spots. There probably are not bathrooms at the start of the ride, so plan accordingly.

There is water (and maybe bathrooms) at the Woodside Store which is at the bottom of Kings Mtn. Water and snacks and bathrooms at the Bike Hut on the bottom of Tunitas and a very good taqueria and store in Pescadero (cash only though, so bring cash). Water and bathrooms at Memorial park going up Pescadero Road if you need it, then bathrooms at the top of West Alpine.

Meet at the parking lot near the intersection of Edgewood Road - Cañada Road

Meet at 9:00 a.m. Roll at 9:15 a.m.

Strava Route:

Ridewithgps route:

Pre-registration is appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

Leader: Cheney Hu
   mobile    text
Leader: Brian Crowley
Leader: Jim O'Melia
   mobile    text
Leader: Donna Ko
   mobile    text
GPC Route:
Novice Ride #5: Franklin Canyon & Carquinez Shoreline
Start Location:
Pleasant Hill BART

From Pleasant Hill BART, this moderately hilly ride goes to Crockett via Franklin Canyon and Cummings Skyway, then to Martinez via Carquinez Scenic Drive, and return to PH via Alhambra Valley and Reliez Valley Roads.

Lunch stop in Martinez at mile 25; bring lunch or $ to purchase. Starbucks, Subway, Rob’s Zombies, etc nearby. Nine mile ride after lunch back to BART.

This is a no drop ride! Helmet required. Bring water bottle(s) as it could be quite warm!

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding in a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

Leader: Anne Gulley
Leader: David Gould
   mobile    text
Leader: Quan Huynh
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

Leader: Mark Abrahams
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

Leader: Christopher Lee
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
   mobile    text
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

Leader: Jim Clara
   mobile    text
Leader: Melissa Jacobson
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Please note early start time! 9:30 to roll at 9:35

This route starts at the North Berkeley BART but if you prefer to drive, there is parking and restrooms at Brickyard Cove across from the pedestrian bridge near University Ave. Wait for the group at the foot of the Gilman (northern) pedestrian bridge.

Lunch will be at Dunphy Park, Sausalito, where there are some deli options on Caledonia St including Driver's Market & Deli.

This ride with gps route includes 11 miles on the Richmond ferry (departs on the hour starting at 3:00).

Weather is expected to be high 70s-low 80s, clear sky, wind slowly building up to 7mph from southwest.

Rain cancels. You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information or contact Mark Sapiro at (415) 388-8910.

Leader: Mark Nienberg
   mobile    text
Start Location:

Starting in Nicasio we'll ride to San Geronimo and then Sir Francis Drake to Olema and Bear Valley. Pick up lunch at the Inverness Park Market (mile 17) on the way and carry it out to the Historic Point Reyes Lifeboat Station at Chimney Rock. Order ahead if you like.

See the route on RideWithGPS.

Leader: Joel Ager
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

Leader: Cheney Hu
   mobile    text
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!

*Note that leaders rotate weekly.

Leader: Mike Wood
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

Leader: Ken Karda
Leader: Geoffrey Shannon
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Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

We will ride to the Emeryville marina, then North on the Bay Trail for a clockwise loop to the Red Oak Victory Ship, Miller-Knox Park, bypass the Ferry Point Tunnel, & lunch @ Little Louie's. There will be an option to ride thru the tunnel.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Ride With GPS route, meet at North Oakland Regional Sports Center. If you aren't at least an intermediate level mountain biker there are at least few places on this route you probably should not attempt and should be prepared to walk. There are also a few steep climbing sections as well so be prepared for those. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and that your bike is in good working order. We'll have frequent regroups to make sure no one gets lost, but I do want to make sure we've completed the tricky stuff before it gets too dark. Sunset is at 7:30 so have lights for the return trip. Message me if you have any questions about difficulty or what can be skipped.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
Rockridge BART

RWGPS Route This is another Chabot Ride, this time venturing further south so we can ride Towhee and Redtail trails. There is over 4k feet of elevation on this ride, but the climbs for the most part should be a moderate grade and lot of that elevation is rollers so this should be a bit less strenuous than the raw numbers would suggest. Pace may vary depending on turnout but there will be frequent regroups to ensure no one misses a turn.

I recommend having least 35mm tires and be prepared for loose dirt. Have your tires inflated to an appropriate pressure, this guide is a good starting point (if you aren't sure what type wheel's and tires you have the defaults should be close enough).

There will be a few opportunities for water and bathrooms, but there aren't any planned stops to buy food. Make sure you bring enough to eat, and having at least two water bottles is highly recommended. We usually go to Nick's pizza after the ride if there is interest.

Leader: David Brown
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Leader: Alison Kuehner
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Start Location:
Berryessa BART

Note that temps in contra costa are predicted to be above 90 tomorrow, so plan to bring plenty of water. Our first water stop is in Sunol, mile 28.

Join us for a no-car ride using BART to get to Berryessa, then riding back through the East Bay. Sierra road is steep, but we’ll hit it when fresh, and then half the climbing will be done in the first 10 miles! Forecasts predict moderate temps. We expect to ride a strong TM pace.

Meet at the Berryessa BART station at 9:05 (when the orange line train arrives), roll at 9:20. The first food and water stop will be in Sunol at mile 27, so plan to bring plenty of water and snacks. Lunch in Danville. We will come back via Pinehurst, but there are other options for getting home depending on where you’re going.

Leader: Rick Patterson
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

For this skills ride we will also be practicing “wheelies” and “bunny hops” as well a few slightly elevated platforms.

This short ride is good for those who are new to riding mixed terrain, or Gravel Biking. We will work on bike handling on fire roads, gravel, some single track, and various trails along the waterfront. It is recommended to have tires 32mm or bigger tires. All levels are welcome to join and work on skills riding. The group will stop at several locations on the route to work through some simple terrain obstacles and features. This is a “no drop” ride.

Leader: Cheney Hu
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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GPC Route:
Novice Ride #6: Central Marin Redwoods and Pastries
Start Location:
San Rafael - Marinwood Community Center

From Miller Creek Rd and Lucas Valley Rd via Nicasio to Point Reyes Station for lunch at the Bovine Bakery. We will meet the group riding the short (24 mile) route at Nicasio along the way. Return via Olema and Nicasio.

There are hills, but we will ride them gently. Bring lunch or $ to buy. No drop. Helmets required.

Ride start is at the Marinwood Community Center. Please park in one of the many spaces along the street, not in the community center lot.

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding is a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

Leader: Cheney Hu
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Leader: Brian Aldrich
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Leader: Janet Noble
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GPC Route:
Novice Ride #6 (short): Central Marin Redwoods
Start Location:

Parking update:

The Rancho Nicasio needs the parking for weekend events and have asked us not to park at those times.

Please drive around the corner to the north and park off pavement along the field (pumpkin patch area near the cheese store)

Tour the redwoods of central Marin county through Nicasio and have lunch at the Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes Station on Highway 1. Return through Olema back to Nicasio. The 24-mile ride joins the 44 mile ride in Nicasio and loops back to Nicasio. There are hills, but we will ride them gently.

Start of ride is parking lot in Nicasio by the baseball field and convenience store.

Bring lunch or $ to buy. No drop. Helmets required. Rain cancels; if weather is dubious contact a ride leader.

The novice series rides are designed to introduce new cyclists to safe riding in a group and to some easy routes, mostly in the East Bay. For the rides of the entire series and for more information see

Leader: Anne Gulley
Leader: David Gould
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Leader: Quan Huynh
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

Leader: Mark Abrahams
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

Leader: Christopher Lee
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
   mobile    text
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

Leader: Nick Umemoto
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

Leader: Sandy Emerson
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Leader: Phil Morton
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Leader: Jim Clara
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Start Location:
Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline

Experience the pleasure of NOT driving a car across the RSR bridge. Ride over the Richmond bridge, starting from Miller-Knox park at Point Richmond.

After a short regroup, we will do a new, improved China Camp loop clockwise. Lunch stop at China Camp around mile 19.6.

Thanks to Jim Clara for creating this route!

Please pre-register.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Del Norte BART

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

Join the club's virtual monthly business meeting at 7:00 pm. Optional social time from 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm. Check your email for an announcement with the agenda and details of how to join the meeting.

Leader: Wendell Doman
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GPC Route:
Rockville to Lake Hennessey
Start Location:
Rockville Bike shop

Note: Ride starts at 8:30am (instead of 9:30am)

This ride starts in nearby Rockville, but extends up into the Napa Valley as far as Lake Hennessey. We'll stop for a snack at Silverado Market (mile 21) and have lunch at Turtle Rock (mile 48). The lunch stop is a bar without much in the way of food, so I suggest buying lunch at the first stop and carrying it to the second. There just aren't any other options in the area.

There is often a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Faster riders should feel free to push on after lunch. Just tell the leader first.

Park in the back of the Rockville Bike parking lot, not in front of the businesses. Please pre-register if you can.

Leader: Joel Ager
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

Leader: Cheney Hu
   mobile    text
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Ride now finishes after sunset - bring front and rear lights!!

This is my last time leading this ride this year though ride will continue through end of month if another leader is available.

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club!

*Note that leaders rotate weekly.

Leader: Mike Wood
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

Leader: Brian Crowley
Leader: Liz Kroboth
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GPC Route:
ASSR - LT - Classic Larghetto
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an LT-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website. This is a NO DROP ride.

Leader: Kit Wong
Leader: Siu Mak
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GPC Route:
ASSR - T - Classic Adagio
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a T-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

This is a NO DROP ride with a Peets lunch stop at downtown Danville.

Leader: Mark Abrahams
Leader: Glen Olson
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GPC Route:
ASSR - TM (short) - Classic Andante
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

Glen Olson is a co-leader.

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

Leader: Naor Deleanu
GPC Route:
ASSR - TM (long) - Diablo Junction
Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for a TM-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

Leader: Ted Ognibene
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Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

On the second Saturday of each month you simply roll out of bed, eat a hearty breakfast, head to the Orinda BART station for our All-Club ASSR ride and sign in for your choice of routes. Sign up here for an M-paced ride! Meet at 9:00 for socializing and introductions. After that, we split into five separate pace groups. See more information about this ride on our website.

We can't ride to Rockville as Lopes Road is still closed at Marshview so we will loop back on Goodyear. We will also bypass Bayshore Road as there is a No Bike sign and instead go up Park to get back to Martinez on the B-M Bridge. Lunch in Martinez. Route can be found here: ASSR - M - (not quite)Rockville

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
Orinda BART NW corner of parking lot

Will be meeting with the ASSR riders but then heading out to do a short trail ride instead. RWPS route (1900ft). We will be heading over Wilder into Redwood and then passing through JMP and Montclair and ending at Rockridge Bart. A gravel bike with 35mm+ tires should be suitable for this ride, but you might find yourself having to hike-a-bike in a few spots depending on your gearing. The descents can be loose and rocking in a few spots but they don't get too steep. The tricky ones should mostly be comparable to quarry in Tilden or Red Tail at Chabot or slightly above those in difficulty but nothing a gravel bike can't handle. There will be lots of hikers and dog walkers out, so when it's get crowded let's keep it party pace and say hi to people.

Leader: Stacey Kayden
GPC Route:
Paradise Loop Clockwise
Start Location:
Mill Valley - Public Safety Buildings

A clockwise loop from the Mill Valley Public Safety Building over Camino Alto and Corte Madera to Paradise and around Belvedere and Seminary to celebrate the life of Joan Reiss. A few of Joan’s family members will be joining us and would like to share memories at our coffee stop in Tiburon

Leader: Adele Madelo
Leader: Cheney Hu
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Leader: Xiao Hui Tai
Start Location:
Rockridge BART

BART alert: There is a 20-minute delay on the Antioch (Yellow) Line in the SFO direction due to track maintenance.

Unfortunately, doesn't clarify any specifics about stations affected (ex. Rockridge).

The third Sunday is early this September! Xiao Hui and Cheney are filling in as ride leaders for Adele this month.

Meet at Rockridge BART at 9:45, depart at 9:55. We'll ride up Tunnel to Skyline and our first bathroom/water/snack break at Sibley. We'll continue on Skyline and enjoy the downhill on Redwood Road. Next are climbs up both Little Pinehurst and Pinehurst back to Skyline and another stop at Sibley. The ride finishes with Grizzly Peak, left down Claremont to return to Rockridge.

Our route has no place to purchase food so bring enough snacks. Join the leaders for lunch after the ride.

The 28 miles with 2900 elevation gain rates the ride as 5; there are some nice downhills to reward all the climbing.

Leader: Anne Gulley
Leader: David Gould
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Leader: Quan Huynh
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

Leader: Mark Abrahams
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

Leader: Christopher Lee
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
   mobile    text
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

Leader: Nick Umemoto
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Sunset is at 7:12PM tonight, please bring lights if you're planning on riding the whole ride. Thanks.

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

Leader: Jim Clara
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GPC Route:
Carquinez Loop Clockwise via Bay Trail
Start Location:
Pinole Valley Park

Chance of rain seems minimal. Looks like light cloud cover for the most part. Today’s ride is on! Yay!

Let’s stay close to home and ride the Carquinez loop. Bathrooms are at the ride start. There is a nice soda/sandwich deli in Martinez and my favorite cookie shop (apologies to Bovine) in Pinole.

30% chance of rain cancels. Will post an update around 8:00 Wednesday morning.

You can also join our web forum and check the forum archives for the current information or contact Mark Sapiro at (415) 388-8910.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Del Norte BART

We have received reports of a downed tree on wildcat creek trail. Ride is still on either way, but if it hasn't been cleared by Wednesday there may be some climbing over a fallen tree or potentially having to reroute if passage is blocked. Also days are getting shorter so make sure to bring lights.

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

Leader: Mark Nienberg
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Start Location:

We'll ride from Nicasio to Valley Ford for lunch via Chileno Valley and Middle Road. Return to Tomales via Franklin School to Middle Road, avoiding the steep climb on Franklin. We may or may not go into Pt Reyes Station on the way back, depending on rider interest. Route on RideWithGPS

There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. We will start when everyone who arrives by the meeting time is ready. If you arrive after the meeting time, you may have to chase.

Leader: Joel Ager
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

Leader: Richard Zapien
   mobile    text
Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Please bring front and rear lights. It will be getting dark when we finish the ride.

Join us for a chill T-pace version of the traditional Thursday evening road ride! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club! Please note that after the 18.3 mile mark, the leader will not return to North Berkeley BART as is indicated on the cue sheet.

*Note that leaders rotate weekly, and we will try to always have two leaders at each ride.

Leader: Mike Wood
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Leader: Drew U
   mobile    text
GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

Leader: Terri Bimes
Leader: Arnim Polster
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Start Location:
Duncans Mills

Hi Grizzlies,

Good News -- Fort Ross Road is open. To celebrate the opening of Fort Ross Road, we have rerouted Saturday's ride. We will now do the Fort Ross Road Climb first, then head to Stewarts Point (around mile 34) for lunch. After lunch, we will conquer the Skaggs Springs Road Climb. Then, we will descend King Ridge and make a pitstop at Cazadero, before returning to our cars at Duncans Mills.

Here is the NEW route:

Lunch: Stewarts Point

**If you are interested in doing more mileage, you could meet Arnim in Cotati.

**Please bring lights just in case.

**Pre-registration appreciated.

**Bring food and two bottles of water.

Looking forward to this ride. Hope you can join!

Leader: Phil Morton
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Leader: Rick Patterson
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GPC Route:
King Ridge/Sonoma Coast (without Annapolis)
Start Location:
Duncans Mills

We'll be at Duncan's Mills at the same time as the TM riders, and we may see them again at Stewart's Point.

So two water bottles is a good idea. We're at the equinox, so bring lights just in case.

A loop from Duncan's Mills through Cazadero, out King Ridge to Stewarts Point and return down the coast. There is no food or water between Cazadero and Stewarts Point, so be prepared. The ride starts and finishes in the town of Duncans Mills on Highway 116 about four miles east of Highway 1. Route [] Carpooling recommended. It is about 1 1/2 hours from the Bay Area, so worth sharing the drive.

Leader: Naor Deleanu
Start Location:
Palo Alto Transit Center

Caltrain is celebrating electrification with free rides this weekend. They are also kick-starting their schedule to run every half hour and have faster service. Anyone else interested in riding and celebrating in Palo Alto?

Old La Honda-Tunitas Creek loop T/TM pace on flat/downhill (no drop there, pace depends on who shows up), regroup at top of Old La Honda and Tunitas, lunch break at San Gregorio Beach (bring your own food).
Note: GPC route 139 is the same route from Woodside I will be starting from Downtown Palo Alto and follow the route in the description above, but if anyone wants to drive and meet up there, please reach out.

There's a party in Palo Alto from 2-6 PM, leave whenever you want. There will be bike valet in Palo Alto too.

I will likely take BART from downtown Berkeley to Powell Street and take Caltrain from San Francisco. Possibly stop at South San Francisco for free goodies if I can make the earlier train. Will reach out to anyone who signs up to coordinate travel. Train is supposed to get to downtown Palo Alto at 9:45 AM.

Leader: Wendell Doman
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Leader: Mark A. Seedall
GPC Route:
Bears Loop
Start Location:
Orinda Community Park

Note: The location for this workshop is changed to Orinda due to Walnut Festival at Heather Farm, Walnut Creek,this weekend.

Time: 9:00am to 10:30am

Come join fellow Grizzlies who will help you learn how to maintain your bike and keep it in top running condition. We'll check out the condition of your bikes (i.e., tires, chain, brakes, wheels, cables, etc.), give you some advice and show you the tools you'd need. We'll focus on Drivetrain maintenance at this workshop.

We'll go for a ride around the Bears Loop at 10:30am.

What to bring to the clinic: Please bring your bike and any questions regarding bike maintenance. We will do our best to take a look at everyone’s bike and give maintenance tips.

Non-members are very welcome to pre-register and join us. Bring a friend.

We'll have coffee and bagels!

Leader: Marie Noel Appel
GPC Route:
Bears Loop
Start Location:
Orinda - San Pablo Dam Rd and Bear Creek Rd

Come test and develop your cycling skills. Test your fitness level and get in a great workout by riding the Bears Loop as a time trial. Or, for new club members (or any GPC member), this is a good ride to find your pace as measured by GPC (see link

Rider finishing times are usually shared in the ride report email to the club. While it is nice to see what times folks ride, reporting of rider times is optional, just let the ride leader know.

The first rider is off at 10:01 and a rider a minute after that. 20% chance of rain cancels. Please arrive between 9:40 and 9:50 so that we can be ready to start on time. We will have refreshments at the finish, and gels/chews and bars at the start.

The ITT is open to both members and non-members; no need to join as in the past. Pre-registration is optional, but strongly preferred.

Leader: Anne Gulley
Leader: David Gould
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Leader: Quan Huynh
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

Leader: Mark Abrahams
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

This is the classic Tuesday night workout & skills ride, M-pace. Please read the ride details and route description at Bring your high energy, your high attention to safety, and your best bike handling and pack riding skills. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is highly encouraged. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Mark if any questions.

Leader: Christopher Lee
Leader: Eli Alexander-Tanner
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Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Today is the final ride of the season! Please join us for one last loop around the hills!

The GPC Tuesday Brisk Ride is a fast paced group ride where we focus on safety, pack skills and high intensity hill climb efforts. Repeats every Tuesday through the last week of September. Preregistration is encouraged and closes at 4:30pm. No flashing lights please. No e-bikes please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. E-mail Chris if you have any questions.

Leader: Nick Umemoto
Start Location:
Berkeley - Spruce & Grizzly Peak Blvd - Plaza

Join us for a friendly TM paced paved ride. This is an out and back to Chabot Space and Science Center. We'll head out along Grizzly Peak Blvd or Wildcat and up Grizzly Peak or South Park. Then, take Skyline to the Science Center driveway. Brief regroups are tentatively at the top of South Park, Sibley Staging area and Chabot Science Center. Please carry enough food and water for the entire ride. Pre-registration is encouraged. No flashing lights please. Rain or bad AQI cancels. Route below subject to change without notice.

Leader: Phil Morton
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Leader: Jaz Zaitlin
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GPC Route:
Nicasio, Pt Reyes Station, Hearts Desire
Start Location:

A simple out and back from Nicasio to Hearts Desire Beach. This is a slight modification to the traditional route that avoids the Olema hill due to construction. Water & bathrooms & picnic tables at Hearts Desire, but no food for purchase, so bring lunch or buy lunch en route at Inverness Park Market (order ahead if you want).

If you are driving to the start via Lucas Valley Rd., note there is construction there as well, so allow for extra driving time.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
El Cerrito Del Norte BART

Same route as before, 35mm tires or wider are recommended. Days are getting shorter now, bring lights for the ride back to BART. There are a few spots with trail damage to watch out for but it hasn't been a big issue. Conditions are dry, cracked, and dusty but it's better here than in a lot of east bay parks right now. Make sure your bike is in good working order and bring whatever you'll need to fix a flat or other simple mechanical issues. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated, if you aren't sure what pressure to run this is a good starting point.

Leader: Mark Nienberg
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GPC Route:
Marinwood to Petaluma via Spring Hill
Start Location:
San Rafael - Marinwood Community Center

From Miller Creek we'll ride through Nicasio, Hick's Valley, and Chileno Valley. Then into Petaluma on the beautifully paved Spring Hill Road for lunch at Ray's Deli & Tavern (mile 42). Return via Red Hill.

Shorten the ride to 49 miles by meeting us in Nicasio, probably about 10:20.

There is sometimes a faster (more like M pace) group on this ride, but we all come back together at frequent regroups and lunch. Arrive by the meeting time if you don't want to chase.

Leader: Joel Ager
Leader: Mark Bauer
Leader: Abigail Cotton
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Leader: Anne Schonfield
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

We'll be ending the ride at Beer Baron (5900 College) tonight to celebrate the last Thursday ride of the season. Please help us get a head count for reservations by signing up for the ride and emailing Anne and Mark to let us know you're coming. Bring lights and layers for the ride home.

Please join us for this friendly Thursday evening TM ride. We’ll meet at North Berkeley BART (by the main BART entrance) at 5:20 pm, and we’ll be ready to roll at 5:30 pm sharp. We'll go up Spruce and out Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then down Shepherd Canyon and back to N. Berkeley BART. As the days get longer, we’ll add the (optional) out-and-back to Chabot Space and Science Center before heading down Shepherd Canyon. Bring lights and a jacket for the return trip. Route map:

Leader: Richard Zapien
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Start Location:
North Berkeley BART

Like the TM group, we'll be ending the ride at Beer Baron (5900 College) to celebrate the last Chill-T Thursday ride of the season. This means we will likely head down Claremont to arrive around 7:15pm.

Please help me get a head count for reservations by registering for the ride and quickly emailing Richard at, or texting at 415.260.2334 to let me know you intend to go to the Beer Baron. Please, bring lights and consider layers for the ride home.

Join us for our last T-paced Thursday evening road ride of the season! We'll go up Spruce to Grizzly Peak and Skyline, then turn right to head down Shepherd's Canyon and ride back through Montclair and via the Lake Temescal bike path. For those unfamiliar with the route, the first 7 miles are climbing and then the rest of the ride is mostly flat or downhill. Lights and a light jacket/windbreaker are strongly recommended, especially since the ride finishes around sunset.

The route does include a steep (13%) 2-block stretch (Roanoke Rd.) toward the end, but riders can avoid it if needed.

RWGPS route here.

We will have multiple regroups and will stick to a T pace (10-12 mph average over the course of the ride). This ride is a no-drop ride and we welcome folks new to the club! Please note that after the 18.3 mile mark, the leader will not return to North Berkeley BART as is indicated on the cue sheet.

Leader: Mike Wood
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Leader: Drew U
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GPC Route:
CCB Mixed Terrain Short
Start Location:
Canyon Club Brewery

Fun group of ~8-10 people every week.

Mixed Terrain loop from Canyon Club Brewery (CCB) via roads and trails

CCB > South Pinehurst > East Ridge (Redwood) > Skyline > The View (Sibley) > Volcano Loop > Wild Dirt (Wilder) > Lost Valley > Mira Shortcut > Moraga Way > CCB

Leader: Ted Ognibene
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Come ride and cross off three Epics from your list. Meet at 8:15 in Healdsburg (Let say at Healdsburg Plaza in the center) for an 8:30 rollout. I usually park on Vine near the Farmers Market. Ride north up to Cloverdale where we can refuel before heading over to the Geysers heading south. After the Geysers, we roll back to Healdsburg where at about mile 55 you will have packed lunch in your car. If you want, you can end the ride here. For those of us wanting to make the 1-1/4 hour drive worth the effort, we will ride south to almost Guerneville and climb party up Armstrong Woods (far enough to get credit) before turning around and climbing up Sweetwater Springs road before heading back to Healdsburg. Preregistration is strongly encouraged so I know you are coming, else I may just roll out at my own schedule. E-bikes OK as long as you have sufficient battery power to complete the ride. End of ride libations at Fogbelt Brewing. Weather should be nice but excessive heat or bad AQI will force a cancellation. Check back here Friday night. The route can be found here: Geysers Armstrong Sweetwater

Leader: Cree T. Cobb
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Cotati – Petaluma – Wilson Hill – Marshall Wall – Tomales. Meet 945 am for 10 am start in Cotati at Veteran's Memorial Building parking lot, 8505 Park Ave, Cotati, CA. Best to park on street; I don’t know if Hall parking lot will be used Saturday. It will be T pace ride; I don’t live where there are hills and I’m riding again next day. Stop in Tomales for food at Piezzi Provisions but there are more food locations nearby. I did ride once with another club.

Leader: Fletcher Stump Smith
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Start Location:
Rockridge BART

Due to an injury this ride is canceled.

RWGPS this one will be short, but with a good amount of climbing at 3.4k ft elevation. Mixed terrain and moderate pace, expect one or two hike-a-bike sections and a few of the descents have sections that can get slightly steep for a gravel ride so be prepared. At least 38mm tires with good grip is recommended and make sure they are properly inflated (see this guide if you aren't sure). Be sure to bring water, snacks and tools. Ride ends at Nicks Pizza.

Leader: Anne Gulley
Leader: David Gould
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Leader: Quan Huynh
Start Location:
Brickyard Cove, Berkeley

The spring edition of this ride has 2 start locations at different times. Start 1 meets at Brickyard Cove in Berkeley at 5:30 pm. Start 2 meets on the Bay Trail, directly across from Ikea at 5:55 pm. This is a social ride around Treasure Island and back, with fantastic views and one challenging hill.

Ikea Start Location

Ride with GPS Route

September 2024 Ride Statistics
Weekday Weekend Total
41 23 64