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It is possible to have riders sign-up for your ride, and to accept sign-ins at the ride start, and to submit the ride data after the ride, all electronically. No paper, no printing, no scanning, no downloading, no email, no postage.

Before the Ride

  • When creating the ride, enable pre-registration. It can be optional or mandatory at your choice.
  • You can add, edit, and delete pre-registered riders. Just find your ride in the online ride schedule and click on the link to pre-register. You'll need to log in.
  • The system will recognize that you are a leader for this ride and display a special version of the pre-registration page; not the one shown to other members. This page is designed for ride leaders to use on mobile devices at the ride start and during the ride, but it can also be used on larger devices before and after the ride.
  • You do not need to close pre-registration, since you do not need to print a sign-in sheet. You can allow members and nonmembers to pre-register online right up until the start.

At the Ride Start

  • On your mobile device, open the registration page as described above.
  • Tap on the Present checkbox next to each rider in attendance.
  • Tap on the button to Add Rider for those who did not pre-register.
    • If the rider to be added is a club member (or recently expired), use the Quick-fill box to start typing in the member's first or last name or email address. Choose from the matches that are displayed or keep typing to narrow the choices. The rider data will be filled in automatically if the member has previously saved default sign-in values. If not, some of the data may be filled in based on the member's profile.
    • If the rider is not a current or recently expired member, you will have to fill in all of the data fields to register the rider. You can do it yourself or ask the rider to do it. Ask the rider to confirm that he or she agrees to the Release of Liability. You can display the release if needed.
  • To view, delete, or edit a rider's data, click on the Detail button.
  • Multiple leaders can work to take attendance at the same time on their own devices. Just refresh the pre-registration page from time to time so you see the changes that have been made by your partners.
  • You cannot send your request for Ride Leader Credit until at least one hour after the event meeting time. See After the Ride below.

During the Ride

  • You can click on the Detail button next to a rider to see the mobile and emergency phone numbers, which are clickable links to dial your phone or open your text message application.

After the Ride

  • You don't have to submit the ride data at the ride finish. You can do it later (even days later), from home. And you can do it from a computer or tablet if you wish, instead of your mobile device. If your ride doesn't appear on the schedule anymore, use the Previous button to load past dates.
  • Review your attendance list for accuracy. You don't have to delete the no-shows as long as the Present box is not checked.
  • Tap on the Request RLC button. If you need to clarify or explain anything to the RLC Coordinator, enter your comments in the comment box. This is commonly needed to explain which ride leader(s) should be awarded credit.
  • Tap on the Submit button. Once you do, you will not be able to revise or resubmit. You can always contact if you need to provide more information.

Tips for Fully Electronic Sign-in

  • You must have a good data connection for your mobile device at the ride start! Some of our more remote start locations probably won't work.
  • You must be able to log in to GPC from your mobile device. Practice this at home if you have doubts.
  • Even with a good data connection, other things can go wrong on the internet, or on the grizz server, or in your phone's battery that will prevent this method from working, so it is best to bring some blank paper sign-in sheets for backup.
  • Your job will be easier if most of your riders pre-register. That will minimize the amount of data entry you have to do on-site at the ride start. Encourage pre-registration in your ride description.

Seeing Yellow

Changes you make are sent immediately to our server. There is no Submit button. Here is what actually happens when you tap on the Present checkbox.

  • You tap on the checkbox.
  • The checkbox is disabled and the background color of the rider row is set to yellow to indicate a change is in progress.
  • The data related to this change is sent to the grizz server.
  • The server records the data and responds that it succeeded.
  • The checkbox is enabled and the yellow background color is removed to indicate the change was successful.

With a good data connection you may not notice the momentary change to yellow and back again. But if a rider row remains yellow, you will know that the change may not have been saved. You can refresh the page to see the latest data from the server. Whenever you add or edit a rider, the page reloads so you can be confident you are seeing the latest data.

Sample iPhone Screenshot